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Server Load Average

by 눈꽃산행 2023. 7. 26.





1. Load Average에 관해서

Load Average가 무엇인지, 어떻게 알아볼 수 있는지를 확인해보자 Load Average란 프로세스의 여러 상태 중 R 또는 D 상태에 있는 프로세스들의 개수를 1분, 5분, 15분 단위로 평균값을 나타낸 값이다.


[ 출처]



Understanding Linux CPU Load - when should you be worried? | Scout APM Blog

Understanding Linux CPU Load - when should you be worried? Andre Lewis  on July 28, 2019 You might be familiar with Linux load averages already. Load averages are the three numbers shown with the uptime and top commands - they look like this: load average



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